Equide: equine vet dentist
E - Experience: 15+ years of expertise: Equide raises equine dentistry, this veterinary discipline to a higher level.
Q - Quality: Equide veterinary practice was born from the passion of veterinarian Wouter Demey to perform qualitative and evidence-based equine dentistry.
U - Up-to-date:Continuous education of both veterinarians and assistants
I - Innovation: In 2018, Equide Veterinary Practice opened, as one of the first in Europe, a fully equipped equine dental practice in Schaffen (Diest) - Belgium.
D - Dedication: This translates into a strong development of knowledge, equipment and infrastructure to treat our patients (horses, ponies, donkeys) in the best possible way.
E - Excellence: Here, all standard dental checks and specialized dental procedures are offered.
Healthy teeth are an essential part of your horse's well-being.
Routine dental check-up
Diagnosis supported by state-of-the-art equipment
Preventive dental care
All treatments, on sedated standing horses
Based on scientific knwoledge, without any commercial ties
Treatment of damaged teeth
Caries / cavities treatments, restorative treatments, root canal treatments (endodontics).
Minimally invasive treatment
Minimally invasive extractions on a standing horse, jaw fracture fixation, sinusitis treatment, EOTRH, trepanation
Advanced diagnosis
Oroscopy (camera in the mouth), radiology (x-rays), sinoscopy (camera in the nose / sinus), endo-check
Courses given to veterinarians and horse owners
Consultation and referrals
Second opinion and second- and third-line treatments