Equide: veterinary experts in equine dentistry

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Equide: equine vet dentist

E - Experience: 15+ years of expertise: Equide raises equine dentistry, this veterinary discipline to a higher level.
Q - Quality: Equide veterinary practice was born from the passion of veterinarian Wouter Demey to perform qualitative and evidence-based equine dentistry.
U - Up-to-date:Continuous education of both veterinarians and assistants
I - Innovation: In 2018, Equide Veterinary Practice opened, as one of the first in Europe, a fully equipped equine dental practice in Schaffen (Diest) - Belgium.
D - Dedication: This translates into a strong development of knowledge, equipment and infrastructure to treat our patients (horses, ponies, donkeys) in the best possible way.
E - Excellence: Here, all standard dental checks and specialized dental procedures are offered. 


Healthy teeth are an essential part of your horse's well-being.  


Routine dental check-up

Routine dental check-up

Diagnosis supported by state-of-the-art equipment

Preventive dental care

Preventive dental care

All treatments, on sedated standing horses



Based on scientific knwoledge, without any commercial ties

Treatment of damaged teeth

Treatment of damaged teeth

Caries / cavities treatments, restorative treatments, root canal treatments (endodontics).

Minimally invasive treatment

Minimally invasive treatment

Minimally invasive extractions on a standing horse, jaw fracture fixation, sinusitis treatment, EOTRH, trepanation

Advanced diagnosis

Advanced diagnosis

Oroscopy (camera in the mouth), radiology (x-rays), sinoscopy (camera in the nose / sinus), endo-check



Courses given to veterinarians and horse owners

Consultation and referrals

Consultation and referrals

Second opinion and second- and third-line treatments


At the practice




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