1 March 2020
Corona (COVID-19) - Taking Responsibilties NOW
Due to the fast evolving pandemic caused by the new Corona virus and the associated disease (COVID-19) Equide has taken some important decisions:
1. All appointments at the clients stables are cancelled and postponed to a later date when the pandemic is under control. Clients who already had an appointment will be informed by email of phone shortly. New appointments will be placed on a waiting list.
2. Appointments in our clinic can be sheduled and will go through under specific conditions. We ask you to reduce the number of people accompanying the horse to the absolute minimum. Even better would be to drop your horse at our hospital and pick it up after the treatment. In case your appointment is not urgent we urge to postpone it. Hygienic measures are in place in our facility. In case you travel from abroad it is important to check the latest regulations and restrictions before you leave. This goes for both Belgium as your country of origin.
3. You can always reach Equide for urgent treatments. Consultation will be in our hospital or one of our partner hospitals. Of course you can always reach us by telephome or e-mail.
Animal wellfare and our patients are of uttermost importance for us. Though at present -and with the limited but serious information the world now has on this pandemic- we have to put human health and our society at first stake.
Equide will work hard to ensure you the best care of your horse as soon as this is responsible again. Given the complex and highly unpredictable situation at present we believe we have to minimize the risks as much as possible and therefore take our responsibilities. We are confident our clients will understand this decision and ask them for some patience. We wish all of them a good health for the upcoming weeks.
Timing is essential, undertaking action right now can still reduce the risks for the near future. It is our wish that our colleague veterinarians will make the same deicision and show to be responsible too. We won't make it anymore by simply washing our hands in between clients (although important). Promp acting can reduce the number of victims of COVID-19 and other diseases. All vets together could reduce the usage of protective clothing and medical consumables with a significant amount. Sending it to the human hospitals can help them not running out of these essential materials any time short.
For more information you can always contact us by telephone or mail.
#stayhomeitcouldsavelives #covid #togetheragainstcorona #responsibleentrepreneurship #takingresponsibilities
Once more thank you and hope to see you any time soon!
The Equide Team